I Want Emancipated from my Abuser Marty Warner: Escaped & Hunted
"A victim's first scream is for help; a victim's second scream is for justice."
(Independence, Oregon) Every year Americans celebrate their FREEDOM and their "right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" on July 4th. For many it is a day of celebration....for some a delusion. It is difficult for me to celebrate this day while our human rights have been violated in the land of the free, as our children are torn from our bosom after reporting crimes being committed and denied the safety of their protective mother.
As a battered women and rape victim, I long for freedom from oppression and bondage. For the past 20 years my abuser has used the Oregon court system as a weapon to terrorize, threaten, exhaust, stalk and financially and physically deplete me. I long to be EMANCIPATED from my abusive ex-husband and the ongoing abuse in Oregon courts.
On behalf of protective mothers and alienated children, I wrote and published an Open Letter to Oregon Governor Kate Brown, Lawmakers, Advocates & Clergy: Mother of 8 Battered & Raped in the Name of 'God'
I have not received a response.
Judith Herman, M.D. maintains that the function of domestic violence is to preserve male supremacy. “Perpetrators understand intuitively that the purpose of their behavior is to put women in their place and that their behavior will be condoned by other men [women] as long as the victim is a legitimate target. Thus, women live with a fear of men which pervades all of life and which convinces women that their weakness is innate and unchangeable. The legal system is designed to protect men from the superior power of the state but not to protect women or children from the superior power of men. It therefore provides strong guarantees for the rights of the accused but essentially no guarantees for the rights of the victim. If one set out by design to devise a system for provoking intrusive post-traumatic symptoms, one could not do better than a court of law."
I relate with the words of Frederick Douglass,"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy — a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour."
REVOKED PASSPORT - What You Can Do to Help

I WANT EMANCIPATED from my abuser, Marty Warner of 8700 Fruit Farm Rd., Independence, Oregon 97351 Phone: (503) 838-1662
Work address/phone: City of Monmouth Oregon Public Works, 401 Hogan Road, Monmouth OR 97361 Phone: (503) 838-2173
This past month I learned that my passport was revoked due to my wealthy ex-husband and his attorney suing me in 1999 for twice of what I earn as a disabled woman for child support of my eight children. I was not informed of this hearing.
In 2003 Judge Paula Brownhill added $2,000 more to this judgment even though I had already paid the child support. She would not listen to me in court. In 2006 I was sued for interest on this judgment at a hearing I could not attend due to poverty. Ten years later, the State of Oregon removed the $2,000 from my child support judgment. To date, I owe $3,815.74, due to interest being added to this fraudulent child support judgment.
To add insult upon injury the judgments my ex-husband has against me prohibited me from attending my only sibling's funeral in July 2009. I believe the courts and churches that are so adamant in punishing women who seek safety have not yet realized the long term ramifications for the victim. As a child, I could not have imagined that Court Orders, due to my ex-husband’s wrath, would prevent me from adequately grieving for the loss of my only brother and sibling, Donald Hall.
Friends, supporters and readers: I NEED YOUR HELP and ADVOCACY - I NEED AND WANT MY passport privileges to be re-instated by August 7, 2017.
Today I need you to write and/or call my abuser, Mr. Marty Warner and ask him to dismiss the past fraudulent Polk County Child Support Judgment of $3,815.74 from 1999, 2003, and 2006 Polk County Oregon court hearings. Ask him to sign the SATISFACTION of Support" form. He claims to be a "born again, spirit filled Christian" and is supported by local Evangelical pastors and church members.
Marty Warner's estate, which includes a home and 12 acres, is worth approximately 1/2 million dollars. His fraudulent child support judgments against me is a form of power and control - 22 years after my escape. Our children are now 22 - 38 years old. Due to years of brainwashing, they wish no contact with me.
I have lived under poverty level for the past 15 years, I am disabled and have no monies for an attorney. While my oldest son was 17-22 years ago, I assisted him with college tuition, housing, transportation, legal and medical costs amounting to $25,000 as well as paying Mr. Warner, my ex-husband, child support for my son. Since seeking safety in 1995, divorce, court fees, travel, legal fees and loss of work has cost me nearly $250,000. I do not believe we should have to PAY to seek safety, and I find it OBSCENE that a rape and D.V. victim should be paying her abuser/rapist child support for the children who were stripped from her life and brainwashed to hate her.
When I learned that my passport was revoked this past month, I spoke to U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley's assistant, Mr. Joel Corcoran (503) 326-2904, (503) 326-3386 and U.S. Senator Ron Wyden's assistant, Chris Meyers (503) 326-7525, Dan Rembert, Ombudsman, Governor's Advocacy Office, (800) 442-5238, Polk County District Attorney's Office (503) 623-9269 and Chezaray Gabriel, Oregon State Child Support Special Collections Unit, (503) 986-6061. I also left a message with Oregon Governor Kate Brown. No one was able to help me. I am told to call Legal Aid. Legal Aid does not assist with divorce, child custody or child support matters. I have been in court for 20 years, due to my divorce, including the Oregon State of Appeals, but have had no legal representation due to poverty. Victims literally fall through the cracks in our judicial system.
You welcome to contact:
Oregon Governor Kate Brown (503) 378-4582 503-378-4582
Email: info@katebrowngovernor.com
U.S. Congressman Kurt Schrader (503) 588-9100 or (202) 225-5711
Oregon State Senator Sara Gelser (503) 986-1708
*Senator Gesler won an election against Ms. Betsy Close. Ms. Close was my ex-husband's friend and supported him personally and in court.
The U.S. State Department is awaiting my response in regards to my passport. My passport privileges can be reinstated by August 7, 2017 if my abuser/rapist, Marty Warner, dismisses the fraudulent past child support judgment.
You may also contact my abusive ex-husband's supporters and enablers and "flying monkeys" on my behalf. (See list below) "Exposing individuals who aid, support, enable and condone criminal and violent behavior of abusers is just as important as exposing the men who abuse women and children." - Coral Anika Theill, Bonshea Making Light of the Dark
by Melissa Barnett, Mothers of Lost Children Advocate
1. Call and/or write Coral Theill's ex-husband, Marty Warner at: 8700 Fruit Farm Rd., Independence, Oregon 97351 Phone: (503) 838-1662 Work address/phone: City of Monmouth Oregon Public Works, 401 Hogan Road, Monmouth OR 97361 Phone: (503) 838-2173 and ask Marty Warner to sign the SATISFACTION of Support" form to Dismiss the $3,815.74 Polk County Child Support Judgment Against Coral Anika Theill by July 21, 20172. Call Marty Warner's enablers and supporters and ask them to encourage Marty Warner to Sign the SATISFACTION of Support" form Peggy Warner, Snohomish, Washington, (425) 353-0155 Steve & Jane Warner, Everett, Washington, (425) 328-0089 *Pastor Ron & Marijo Sutter, Monmouth, Oregon 503) 623-4082 *Pastor Bill Heard, Roseburg, Oregon (541) 673-5234 Jesse White, Albany, Oregon, The Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Work: (503) 879-5211 Joshua & Annie Warner, Corban College, Salem, Oregon (503) 302-7117 Pastor Steve & Kay Dixon, Falls Church, Oregon, Camp of the Risen Son, Falls Church, Oregon (503) 787-3003 InFaith Ministries (610) 527- 4439 Ben & Sarah Bobeda, Monmouth, Oregon (503) 551-2838 Camp of the Risen Son Falls Church, Oregon (503) 787-3003 InFaith Ministries (610) 527-4439 *Pastor Bill Heard and Pastor Ron Sutter were involved in covering up the rapes of my young children. I reported the crimes and lost custody of my children.
Please contact Father Pat McNamee at St. Cecilia Parish, 5105 S W Franklin Ave., Beaverton, OR 97005 Phone: (503) 644-2619 | Fax: (503) 626-7204
Email: frpmcnamee@hotmail.com Father Pat McNamee is my ex-husband's relative. Father McNamee performed our wedding ceremony. I wrote him a few years ago for help regarding the fraudulent child support judgment - TO NO AVAIL. He continues to support my abusers.
March 10, 2017 OPEN LETTER to Oregon Governor Kate Brown3. Please call and write Oregon Governor Kate Brown (503) 378-4582 Email: info@katebrowngovernor.com Tell her that she can intervene on Coral's behalf. Tell her about Coral's plight addressed in her , and the fact that other states would have released Coral's obligation, such as Washington State.....Coral's contact information is on her website. You are welcome to call Oregon State Officials and Senators listed in the article and local press.
"This has got to be the most egregious miscarriage of justice I have heard yet. Not only has this woman endured years of abuse and grief from no contact with her 8 children, she has also endured financial abuse and legal stalking. Coral suffered loss of custody due to fraud, malfeasance, judicial prejudice with the pattern and practice of male entitlement in our courts and culture. It's her continued lack of safety and freedom that is remarkable in a country that celebrates its democracy and goes to war to protect other women's human rights internationally. Coral is not alone in the civil and human rights violations experienced by women in America seeking safety and reporting abuse after separation and divorce in this countries long history of women's suffrage.
"While Coral is one of the most outspoken and eloquent speakers on the subject of Victims Rights, Equal Rights for Women, Maternal Deprivation and Custody interference she herself continues to experience the harshest forms of oppression and retaliation for reporting abuse.
"Not only withheld from seeing her precious children, her very life has been threatened and her freedom has been revoked. After reporting abuse in a State court she was punished to the full extent of the law. This cruel and unusual punishment cannot go unanswered by compassionate citizens who care about the tenants of the constitution for rights of individuals under the laws of the United States and humane treatment for victims of violence.
"I urge each and everyone of you to join the Emancipation Action to free Coral Theill. Her price for freedom from the terror of a domestic violence divorce should not end with more oppression and cruelty at the hands of government officials.
"As Coral writes: A victim's first scream is for help; a victim's second scream is for justice. Please be her voice today. End the cruelty!" - Melissa Barnett
Escaped & Hunted
Five years ago, I contacted my ex-husband's fraternity brother, Glen Schmauder, Spokane, Washington. He was in our wedding party years ago. Glen was happy to hear from me. He did not know I had gone through a traumatic divorce, lost my eight children, including my nursing infant or had been sued for twice of what earned and had lived out of my car for several years due to my ex-husband legally stalking me since the divorce (45 court hearings to date). He and his wife, Carol, order my published memoir that week and were horrified to learn of the decades of abuse and torture I had suffered during my marriage.
Glen shared with me for 16 years since our divorce he had talked to my ex-husband several times a year. My ex had told Glen that I was committed in a mental hospital and he was raising our eight children (without their mother - me). Glen learned this was a lie after speaking with me. He called my ex-husband and wrote him asking him to sign and DISMISS the fraudulent child support judgment against me. My ex-husband, Marty Warner, told him he would NEVER dismiss the judgment.
In 2012 I received a call from my editor in Oregon. A woman from a local church had contacted her because my ex-husband, Marty Warner, had told her and fellow church members that I had just committed suicide. The smear campaign by my ex, his family, my older children, the church and Christian school teachers has been fierce, cruel and brutal.
I have been forced to lift and carry heavy luggage since I was 6 years old. Torture, rapes and unspeakable horrors began as a young child and continued during the 20 years of my marriage. I have done so with raw courage. I have had no other choice.
When I opened the letter regarding my passport being revoked two weeks ago, I broke down and wept at the Post Office. It is often the "little things" that break us after decades of torture and abuse. To be truthful when people share with me that they don't know how I do "it" (survive) I share with them that "this" has been TOO MUCH.

"Every woman who is or has been battered has to have in our society a real right of sovereignty over her body.
"There have to be boundaries that she can set and that everyone else is legally bound to respect. If they don’t, they will be punished. No exceptions. No bullshit.
"A woman has a right to safety—in real life, not abstractly. A lot has to change before safety is possible. All the implicit assumptions about women’s inferiority have to change.
Women will never be free unless we are not any longer treated as objects, which includes sexual objects. We are human beings; we are the center of our own lives. We are not things for men to act out on. We will never be free unless we stop the notion that violence is okay." - Andrea Dworkin, Escaped & Hunted: The Battered Woman
In May 2013, Sergeant Major Brian K. Jackson, USMC (Ret) wrote a letter on my behalf to Mr. Joel Corcoran:
Excerpt: "As I watch the news today, I see all sorts of other cases pretty similar to Coral Theill's. The thing that I just do not understand about our "system" is why or how can we allow what happened to Coral (and is still happening) to happen. Some are held against their will, raped, battered, abused and then glorified as are the three ladies from Ohio. Guys are considered "heroes" as a result of being the person to make a phone call to the authorities about it.
"Then we have those in the same situation (and maybe even worse) who are blamed, ostracized from society, stripped not only of their children but of their dignity, ridiculed, and even forced into hiding and receive absolutely no support from anyone in the justice system who by the way are supposed to be by the people, of the people and for the people." Read Coral Theill's Letter & Document presented to U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley July 2014 Court & Church Sanctioned Domestic Violence & Child Abuse

On March 10, 1996, I was forced, by an Order of the Court, and by my ex-husband, Marty Warner, his attorney, his family and religious supporters, to do something that raged against my good conscience, my common sense and against all my motherly instincts. After a temporary custody hearing, a Court Order signed by Judge Albin Norblad forcibly removed my nursing baby and two youngest children from me. I obeyed the Court Order and gave my children over to my ex-husband. I drove to the hospital, rented a breast-pump and later collapsed and went into shock. I could not understand what had happened and why. I have not yet recovered from the shock; perhaps I never will....
When I sought safety for my children and myself in January 1996, the Court allowed me to live in hiding with my young children prior to the court hearings, due to the testimony and affidavits of numerous witnesses. I retained an attorney and reported the crimes that had been committed against my children and me.
The courts are fully aware of the abuse and torture I suffered by my ex-husband, including the abuse of my children. The courts are aware have been forced to live under a state address protection program, but they turn a blind eye and continue to rule in my ex-husband's favor, including exorbitant child support judgments.
The price for my own safety and freedom in 1996 was an imposed, unnatural and unwanted separation from my eight children, including my nursing infant. The injustice committed against me is not just the physical separation from my children, but the willful desecration of the mother-child relationship and bond, a sacred spiritual and emotional entity.
Losing one’s children via family court causes inconsolable grief and a lifetime of psychic shock. Understanding the correlation between our patriarchal society and patriarchal court system has assisted me in my survival.
"The treatment I received in Oregon’s courts was more abuse and humiliation. Sexual crimes I endured as a child, my breakdown, my physical shortcomings, my fertility and the ‘rape’ by my husband all became subjects for ridicule in court while I was on the witness stand. Oregon Circuit Court Judge Albin Norblad laughed when he heard I became pregnant when my husband raped me. When I complained, I received a letter from the Oregon State Bar informing me that I deserved this treatment because I had a previous depression/breakdown years earlier.
Due to the physical, emotional and financial strain of ongoing court hearings and being sued for twice of what I earned for child support, I ended up living out of my car for several years.
While I was homeless, I attempted to go back to college after my divorce to improve my life, but was forced to drop out after a couple terms due to my ex-husband and his attorney, Mr. J. Michael Alexander, appealing our case to the Oregon State of Appeals in 2004. I was destitute, so I had no monies for an attorney. Instead of college, I wrote my own "legal brief" in response to their appeal for $50,000 more in child support. I also received contempt orders, was sued and threatened with jail time and received a court order signed by Judge Paula Brownhill, prohibiting me from writing or sending my children gifts. My crime - my 16 year old son, Joshua Warner, hugged me at his football game at Santiam Christian School.
After decades of abuse, sexual violence, torture and court trauma, betrayal, attempted murder and therapist exploitation, I identify with the character of the Vietnamese woman portrayed in the movie, 'Casualties of War' starring Michael Fox and Sean Penn. A group of American soldiers invades a Vietnamese village and captures a young woman. They gang rape her and force her to march with them on their patrol. When they were 'finished with her,' they shot her and threw her over an embankment.
After seeking help and being further abused for 20 years via the Oregon Family Court system has caused me much reflection. I have come to the conclusion that I am only a "pawn" to my ex-husband, the church and court system in their sick game of oppression.

Photo of "Wings of Love" half-way house on Killingsworth in Portland, Oregon where
Coral Theill lived in the spring of 1994. Photo Credits: Debbie Dresler
"During the period of my post partum depression/breakdown in the spring of 1994, my husband, Mr. Marty Warner, and his pastors left me at the "Wing's of Love" half-way house on Killingsworth in Portland, Oregon, to punish and "break me" (their words) to the will of God. The house was a shelter for ex-cons, street people and prostitutes. It was filthy and infested with rats and lice. My husband’s debt-free estate, at this time, was over a quarter- of- a million dollars. It was a frightening experience during the period of my illness/breakdown for my “abuser” ex-husband, his Christian cult leaders and religious supporters to be in charge of my “recovery program.” Three months earlier, I had a D & C due to my 3rd miscarriage from being raped by my husband. I was helpless and physically and mentally incapacitated during this time due to my breakdown and partial stroke." - Coral Anika Theill, BONSHEA Making Light of the Dark
Spiritual and ritual abuse is the use of spiritual knowledge to deprive, torture, degrade, isolate, control, or (in rare and extreme cases) even kill others. It is used by evil-minded church and cult leaders, to gain advantage, dominate, or exercise control over others. The type of trauma individuals experience from cults and their leaders is similar to that described by POW’s. The trauma experienced by cult members results from being powerless and abused day after day, year after year, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually – souls are literally emaciated. The Word of God is used like a thrust of a knife, constantly reminding the cult member (victim) of God’s displeasure and eternal damnation.
During my marriage I was required to be a "helpmeet" in a world like the one from Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel "The Handmaiden’s Tale."
For nearly twenty years, I was married to a man who ruled his household with absolute authority. His personal justification for his behavior came from Biblical scripture. During the course of our marriage, I bore him eight children. My firstborn children were identical twin girls. I also suffered three miscarriages. I home schooled the oldest children for several years, renovated three houses, baked, canned, gardened, etc. I was treated as a possession (slave). In the course of my marriage I was drawn, against my will, into several extreme fundamental churches and cults which emphasized patriarchal authority and the obedience of women, i.e., Bill Gothard's Basic Youth Conflicts, Catholicism, People of Praise Catholic Charismatic Covenant Community, Corvallis Christian Center, Assembly of God and Pentecostal Churches, NW Hills Baptist Church, The Sacred Name Movement, “Quiverfull Movement,” Bridgeport Community Church, Marion Church of God Seventh Day, and Mr. Warner’s own “home church.”
Two hundred years ago a system of legal slavery allowed for the ownership of human beings as if they were livestock. Children were ripped away from their mothers with as little consideration as separating a calf from a cow. In this country today, extreme forms of paternalistic religion promote an institutional form of slavery where a woman must be totally obedient to a husband who has absolute control of her life. The wife’s lot is to obey and bear children. If she rebels and chooses to save herself by escaping from this life, the father – supported by the church community and often by the court system, can forcibly strip a child away from the mother.
Although, I have many painful memories and experiences from my 20 years of exposure to legalistic fundamental Christianity and Christian “cults,” I am comforted knowing that my soul was on a journey of remembering who I truly was. I believe we all long for freedom from oppression and bondage – that was what my spirit secretly longed for and hoped to experience. I am grateful for each brand new day and the experience of being. Due to decades of abuse & torture and covert abuse, I almost died before I escaped my ex-husband. I would have just been a "statistic." Instead, the church and courts have assisted my ex-husband in his psychological torture of me.
I have concluded by my present circumstances, that the judicial and religious organizations and people who have aided my former husband, Marty Warner, all embrace the same views regarding women and children. They believe male power is absolute over women and great harm will come to those who question and/or defy that power. I believe this is the mentality that causes and perpetuates abuse. I will do all I can to expose the patriarchal oppression of women and children that exists in our society and court systems.
For many battered women, all that is left after escaping decades of abuse is your voice and your pen.
For more information about my Oregon case history, please read:
"A justice system that's designed to protect you becomes abusive. When it will stop for Coral? She is a person who has labored intensely for her rights as a mother and as a human being. Coral definitely contributes to our society not only thinking about herself but for others with similar circumstances. She is an advocate and a volunteer for our military families helping those who fight for our nation. These are unselfish acts on her part by a person who does not want to be a burden in our society. That is evident. How do I know all this? Simply, she is my friend." - Sonia Claudio