Coral Anika Theill
Author, Advocate, Speaker & Reporter
Coral Anika Theill
2022 BONSHEÁ Making Light of the Dark BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT
Author, Advocate, Speaker & Military Reporter
D.V., Rape & Ritual Abuse Victim/Survivor
Alienated & Erased Mother of 8
Memoir: BONSHEA Making Light of the Dark
Contributing Writer for Leatherneck Magazine
"Short Rations for Marines" &
"RECLAMATION: A Survivor's Anthology"
Website: www.coralanikatheill.com
Contact: coraltheill@hotmail.com
(Corvallis, Independence, Dallas, OR - Quantico, VA) Coral Theill's case history in Oregon courts has been documented by physicians and advocates, including her counselor and mentor of 24 years, Barbara A. May, PhD, RN PMHP, Professor Emerita of Nursing, Linfield College, Portland, Oregon, as one of Oregon's most violent and obscene rape and domestic violence cases. Ms. Theill has lived under a “state address protection program” from her ex-husband, Marty Warner, Independence, Oregon, since 1999. In honor of Mother’s Day 2014, The Pixel Project featured Coral Anika Theill's Interview in the Survivor Stories Blog Interview Project. August 13, 2014, Ms. Theill submitted a request for a hearing with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and on August 1, 2015, August 1, 2016 and January 31, 2017 Coral Theill's Oregon case history was filed with the Claim Submitted to the United Nations on Modern Day Human Rights Crisis. On January 5, 2016, Ms. Theill's Polk County Oregon case history was submitted to the United States Supreme Court as a 'Declaration of Support' in Adkins v Adkins #15-754 addressing the due process violations in family courts across the United States. Coral also participated in YOKO ONO'S ARISING PROJECT in Iceland, October 2016.
BIO: Coral Anika Theill's published works address abuse and trauma recovery and most recently, wounded Marines and Montford Point Marines. Her writings have encouraged and inspired numerous trauma victims and wounded Marines and service members recovering from PTS and TBI. Coral's positive insights as a survivor have also earned the respect of clinical therapists, advocates, professors and authors. BONSHEÁ has been used as a college text for nursing students at Linfield College, Portland, Oregon. In July 2011 Coral received the Lester Granger Award from the National Montford Point Marine Association. In 2002 she received a Writer's Award from iUniverse Publishing Co. She is also a contributing writer for Short Rations for Marines. Her October 2011 Leatherneck Magazine article, "Invisible Battle Scars: Confronting the Stigma Associated with PTS & TBI," is used as a college text for the Marine Corps University, Quantico, Virginia and is cited in the U.S. Army War College "Psychological Health Notes." Coral Anika Theill's story of survival was published March 1, 2018 in RECLAMATION: A Survivor's Anthology by the NYC Alliance Against Sexual Assault & Survivor's Magazine.
AP WASHINGTON: Barrett tied to faith group ex-members [Coral Anika Theill] say subjugates women
In 2020 my story as a handmaid survivor and former member of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s “People of Praise Community” received national and international attention and was featured in the AP, Guardian, Washington Post, Newsweek, Reuters, Amy Goodman: Democracy Now, Freedom from Religion Foundation with Annie Laurie Gaylor, secular and women's rights activist and a co-founder of Freedom from Religion Foundation and Andrew L. Seidel, author, constitutional and civil rights attorney, Dr. Steven Hassan, Freedom of Mind, Verdict, The Radical Secular Podcast, Inside Edition, National Catholic Reporter, Reforme – Paris, France as well as dozens of other media outlets from September 2020 – June 2021. Coral Anika Theill IN THE NEWS
ORDER 2021 Memoir: BONSHEA Making Light of the Dark
BONSHEA Making Light of the Dark Five Star Reviews
Every so often a book is written that touches the heart. This is such a book. BONSHEÁ is an unforgettable story that will leave an indelible mark on your psyche. – Adaline Archer, Washington
I would love to discover that every judge, every minister, every person who seeks justice, would read this book! I have consulted thousands of abused women and know that the injustice Coral suffered, the loss of her children, is an all to common experience of abused women seeking to protect their children and to save themselves. - Patricia Evans, Author, The Verbally Abusive Relationship, California
BONSHEÁ pierces through the darkness that hides the legal system's routine abuse of mothers and children. It is a work of immense courage, a true tale of heartbreak and salvation. - Maureen T. Hannah, Ph.D. Chair, Battered Mother's Custody Conference, Albany, New York

During my marriage I was required to be a "helpmeet" in a world like the one from Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel "The Handmaiden’s Tale.
My abusive husband and the PEOPLE OF PRAISE COMMUNITY leaders used coercive control, isolation and intimidation tactics to strip me of my personhood, safety and freedoms as a United States citizen.
Domestic violence is a crime. It is a complex problem with roots in an oppressively hierarchical, patriarchal violence-accepting society. Yet, fundamental evangelical Christian movements (cults) that thrive today refuse to speak out against domestic violence, rape, incest and abuse because their doctrines are the foundation for conditioning women and children to accept abuse.
BONSHEA - Yaqui Indian – meaning
‘out of the darkness into the light’

"I recommend this book for health care providers, those in the criminal justice system, and volunteers or helpers of any kind to get insights and clarity about the complex dynamics of domestic violence and its toxic effects to individuals and society-and what needs to be done to eradicate this pandemic problem."
– Barbara A. May, PhD, RN PMHP, Professor of Nursing, Linfield College, Portland, Oregon
"Many mothers who seek safety from abuse are routinely prohibited from having even the most basic contact with their own children, not because they were unfit parents, but because they were outspent, out represented, and out-maneuvered in a court atmosphere that seems to favor those who inflict domestic violence.
Women trapped in relationships with abusers come to expect horrendous misbehavior and violence from their partners. What they cannot fathom is the maddening reinforcement commonly provided to abusive men by the justice system, the religious community and the public at large. Tragically, the key abuse collaborator is the custody judge. Of all the bad actors in a battered woman's life, none wield more power over a mother and her children. It is beyond infuriating when women discover that their custody judges either lack understanding of domestic violence or intentionally collude with abusers to take away women's financial resources and, even worse, their children." - Coral Anika Theill, BONSHEA Making Light of the Dark

Coral Anika Theill's published works address abuse and trauma recovery and most recently, wounded Marines and Montford Point Marines. Her writings have encouraged and inspired numerous trauma victims and wounded Marines and service members recovering from PTS and TBI. Coral's positive insights as a survivor have also earned the respect of clinical therapists, advocates, professors and authors.