Therapist Abuse & Exploitation: Exposing George D. Amiotte & Dr. Charles H. Kuttner
"We know through painful experience that freedom is never given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed." —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Therapist Exploitation and Abuse
How our Society Enables Batterers, Abusers and Predators
Re: Dr. Charles H. Kuttner and Mr. George D. Amiotte 1997-2005
EXCERPT FROM BONSHEA Making Light of the Dark by Coral Anika Theill, published 2013
These past several years, I have had the privilege and honor of meeting hundreds of fine Marines and service members as well as many wonderful people who assist veterans and our wounded warriors.
The individuals mentioned in my story below reflect a dark side of human nature and does not represent the majority of individuals who work with trauma victims and veterans.
While in the midst of surviving the horrors of my divorce case and Oregon court trauma, my psychiatrist and counselor, Dr. Charles H. Kuttner, committed a breach of confidentiality in 1998-1999, giving my personal client information and phone number to a friend of his, George D. Amiotte, a Native American and former Marine who was involved in PTSD and trauma counseling.

Dr. Kuttner invited my son and me to attend a PTSD workshop at his office. He introduced George Amiotte, the facilitator, as a former U.S. Marine Corps Veteran, Oglala Lakota wisdom keeper, western medical practitioner (P.A.), filmmaker and artist.
Mr. Amiotte learned traditional tribal medicine from Frank Fool’s Crow and Pete Catches. As one of the founders of the Native American-based therapy for PTSD, he conducts PTSD workshops and healing circles for the Veterans Administration and serves as staff and faculty for numerous veteran’s associations and educational institutions. During his five years with the Marine Corps in Viet Nam, he was awarded the Purple Heart, the Bronze Star and Vietnam’s Cross of Gallantry with Silver Star. His film company, Heaven Fire Productions, is located in Los Angeles. Dr. Kuttner repeatedly told me how brilliant and insightful this man was, but if he was introducing George Amiotte honestly, he would have said this: “Coral, within a year you will be the victim of financial and therapist exploitation by Mr. Amiotte. He will threaten you, stalk you, and strip you of your life savings. You will end up bankrupt. When you seek safety from him, he will take out his rage on you. He will beat and strangle you to an inch of your life. When you seek help within the judicial system, he will not comply with the court orders or restraining orders.
“He will sign promissory notes and promise to restore a portion of what he robbed from you, but that is a lie, too. You will be destitute and be living out of your car while your past court trauma in Oregon escalates. You will go without food, adequate shelter, and medical care and will have no vehicle or means of transportation for years due to poverty and disabilities. As your trusted physician, I will violate the code of client confidentiality and betray you by giving your client information to George Amiotte, who is not a licensed therapist.
“When he requests your whereabouts and phone number, I will violate your trust and give him your private information, without your permission. When you contact me and report you are being threatened and abused by Mr. Amiotte, I will dismiss your pleas for help. When you report me to the Oregon Medical board and submit the numerous letters I wrote to you admitting that I violated your client confidentiality, I will rely on the “good Ole’ boys club” and they will dismiss the case. In reality, George Amiotte is a narcissist, sociopath, pathological liar, batterer and thief. By his words and behavior, he is a misogynist and racist.”
Mr. Amiotte’s tactic is to win the trust of V.A. therapists and psychiatrists, and then prey on their patients. (I was not the first woman he pursued and exploited, or the last.) I was later stalked, threatened, robbed of tens of thousands of dollars by Dr. Kuttner’s associate, Mr. Amiotte.
Dr. Kuttner attended several of Mr. Amiotte’s Native American PTSD workshops for Veterans Administration and Veterans Affairs employees and veterans and said he accomplished amazing psychological and spiritual growth during his first workshop with Mr. Amiotte. While I counseled with Dr. Kuttner, he appeared obsessed with Amiotte and would talk about him at length during my therapy sessions with him.
Dr. Kuttner believed George D. Amiotte had the capacity for strong ties to the spiritual and that the group facilitation he has done had demonstrated that. While counseling with Dr. Kuttner, he would mention how he wished Mr. Amiotte and I could meet and date. I became uncomfortable with Dr. Kuttner, but he was the only counselor I was seeing at the time. Dr. Kuttner felt Mr. Amiotte would be helpful in assisting me in trauma recovery and PTSD issues. After losing my eight children, including my nursing infant in 1996, per court order, Dr. Kuttner would find it humorous to tell me lewd jokes and say, “Coral, what you need is a good screw.” I did not share his sense of humor.
At this time, Dr. Barbara May was working on her degree and studying under Dr. Charles Kuttner. She would joke about Dr. Kuttner trying to be a Jewish matchmaker for me. In hindsight, being Dr. Kuttner’s client became an awful nightmare and very inappropriate. I wanted to stop counseling with Dr. Kuttner as I became uncomfortable with his obsession of Amiotte and his inappropriate methods of counseling.
Dr. Kuttner once asked me why I had not sought help when I was a child and why I had protected my abusers throughout my childhood and adult life. He would continue to show me his ignorance regarding child abuse, Stockholm Syndrome and domestic violence in the coming months. He was also overbearing when it came to pushing me to speak more about my painful childhood. He recommended hypnotism in therapy and I refused. I discontinued my counseling with him in 1998. I began counseling with Dr. Barbara May in the summer of 1997. Her expertise is trauma recovery for abused women.
Even though I was no longer a client to Dr. Kuttner, he had called me and requested that my son and I attend a one day PTSD workshop that he was sponsoring at his office in Albany, Oregon. Dr. Kuttner exposed his clients to Mr. George D. Amiotte, the facilitator of the PTSD workshop in 1998.
Mr. Amiotte was an unqualified and unlicensed therapist/PTSD workshop facilitator for the Veterans Administration. After the one day workshop, Dr. Kuttner called my home and said that Mr. Amiotte wanted me to attend his next workshop at the Veterans Affairs Camp Chaparral in Yakima, Washington. I declined. In 1998, Mr. Amiotte was banned from the Veteran’s Affairs Camp Chaparral, at the Yakama Nation due therapist abuse of clients and victims.
Mr. Amiotte asked Dr. Kuttner for my phone number. At this time, I lived under the District Attorney’s “At Risk” program (address protection) so my ex-husband could not harass and abuse me. Dr. Kuttner complied with Mr. Amiotte’s requests. The code of client confidentiality was disregarded by both of them. At this time, Mr. Amiotte was in a mentoring relationship with Dr. Kuttner. Dr. Kuttner revealed personal client information with Mr. Amiotte without the permission of his clients, including me. Mr. Amiotte took good notes and would use that information to exploit and abuse me.
Because of the events of my traumatic past, I was “easy prey” for Mr. Amiotte. Initially, I thought Mr. Amiotte was an advocate for veterans and trauma victims. Within a two month friendship/relationship with Mr. Amiotte, he had robbed and depleted all my accounts, used my credit cards, damaged my car, and threatened and stalked me. Within one year, after seeking safety from him, he broke into my apartment, violently beat and strangled me and attempted to murder me.
While threatened by Mr. Amiotte, a very unhealthy triangle developed in my life, due to the fact that Mr. Amiotte and my physician, Dr. Kuttner, were close friends. Privately, I felt Mr. Amiotte would report any effort I made to defy his authority or domination over me to Dr. Kuttner and others in his inner circle as “mental episodes.”
Mr. Amiotte often called Dr. Kuttner at his home. He had a privileged relationship with my physician. I also understood that if I attempted to share with Dr. Kuttner what was truly going on in my relationship with George Amiotte, he would believe his mentor, trusted friend and therapist, George Amiotte, and not me, his client. Visitation with my children was dependent on Dr. Kuttner’s testimony in future court hearings.
One of my physicians, Dr. Roger Jacobson, recommended I hire a P.I. to thoroughly scrutinize any person I would become involved with due to my abusive past. Since Dr. Kuttner knew and respected Mr. Amiotte, I did not feel led to follow Dr. Jacobson’s advice. Although, when I first met with Mr. Amiotte in April 1999, I introduced him to many of my close friends, including Addie Archer, Ron and Judy Bennett, Bob and Shirley Walsh and my older son. They enjoyed meeting and visiting with him. My friends encouraged me to learn to trust others and that all men were not like my ex-husband and his religious supporters.
Mr. Amiotte shook my son’s hand and promised him that he would take good care of his mother and protect her. Mr. Amiotte said, “Aaron, trust me, you will never have to worry about your mother’s safety again.” Due to the abuse and violence I have suffered from Mr. Amiotte, my son has no respect for Mr. Amiotte nor the people and organization that continues to enable and coddle him—the Veteran’s Administration.
Mr. Amiotte presented himself to me and my friends as an advocate, and he sent letters to individuals involved in my court proceedings in Oregon for interviews for a documentary. We were all outraged later when we learned, bymy experiences, that Amiotte was a batterer, predator and a con artist. Predators are often so believable at first, but they cannot maintain their masks for long. My friends contacted both Dr. Charles Kuttner and Mr. George Amiotte about their abuse. Dr. Kuttner did not respond and Mr. Amiotte would curse at my friends on the phone and hang up.
Even though I sensed “red flags” in my initial interactions with Mr. Amiotte, I had been desensitized from decades of abuse. In the past, I was often harmed when I dared to speak up or seek safety. I was in shock from the loss of my baby and children in my recent divorce. There were few friends and I had no family support in my life. I was able to recognize the fact that I was being treated abusively by Mr. Amiotte, but my reaction time was slow due to the horrific consequences I have suffered in the past years from abusers.
George Amiotte knew about my previous breakdown, loss of children, the past cults I was forced to attend and the court trauma through his association with my physician, Dr. Kuttner. Once, Mr. Amiotte asked me if I was the woman Dr. Kuttner discussed with him that was raped by cult leaders. I said “no” that must have been another one of Dr. Kuttner’s clients.
Mr. Amiotte began to request monies from me then would degrade me and tell me he was going to tell Dr. Kuttner that I was mentally ill. I realized I had found myself in a “boxed canyon”—and could not find my way out due to my love of my children and my fear of Dr. Kuttner and Mr. Amiotte—both powerful and well respected therapists. I told Mr. Amiotte that I was disabled and needed my savings account for my ongoing court hearings in Oregon, my children and for my medical and health needs. I learned he did not care about me as a human being—he hated me.
He often became hostile over the fact that I remained in contact with my mentors, including Dr. Barbara May. On one occasion, I left my own home and stayed in a hotel (when he would not leave) because he would not stop speaking about my mentors in a profane and derogatory manner. Any questions I had about my own recovery or safety were, in his eyes, psychological problems.
A favorite technique for narcissists is to debilitate your identity by leveling false accusations and/or questioning your honesty, fidelity, your “true” motivations, your character, your sanity and judgment.
Sadly, predators, such as George D. Amiotte, are skilled at cruelly manipulating tender consciences, causing their victims to have a mistaken view of themselves. The truth is that abuse survivors tend to attract repeat offenses simply because they are wounded and hurting; and predators, like beasts of prey, perceive the wounded as an easier target. In June 1999, I agreed to meet Mr. Amiotte’s friends and family in South Dakota. He threatened and forced me to type a letter to my financial institution in the office of Dr. Robert Phares’ secretary, Rosemary Slater, at the Black Hills V.A. Hospital in Hot Springs, South Dakota. He used the monies to purchase twenty-six acres of property as he was preparing for Y2K in 2000. He believed what was mine was his.
I was in debt for taxes due from the early withdrawal of my IRA account. Mr. Amiotte had no job, no savings, and had a bad credit record and had no intention of ever restoring my accounts or paying me back for all the debt I incurred from his financial exploitation of me. Sadly I had no monies for an attorney to assist me in legal action against Mr. Amiotte. Although I did manage to get a Summary Judgment against him eventually, he refuses to pay.
To date, I have survived all types of abuse, including childhood sexual molestation, physical abuse, rape and ritual abuse. Financial abuse has been the most difficult of the forms of violence I have experienced to date. The lack of financial security dictates whether we can obtain shelter, food, health care or legal assistance in America.
When I would question him about the financial bankruptcy I faced due to him fleecing and emptying my accounts, he would threaten me and would tell me to “act right.” He would say, “When are you going to stop “putting my head in sh-t? Coral, I really get tired of you and the way you are. You are having menopausal symptoms.” He then would become enraged, throw things at me and terrorize me. My health deteriorated rapidly.
George Amiotte knew my triggers well and accused me of having psychological problems. My vulnerability was mental abuse. Sometimes I submitted to his threats to avoid further cruelty and mental anguish. Mr. Amiotte failed to recognize me as a human being. He did not respect any of my own boundaries.
Before I began to live in my car in 2002, I asked Mr. Amiotte what I should do. He suggested I live in a tepee or a recently flooded Native American Christian campground. I lived out of my car and with friends temporarily for the next three years. The Veterans Administration, Dr. Kuttner and Mr. Amiotte’s friends were aware of my plight, but did not care and continued to support my abuser.

In the summer of 1999, I left a message with my physician Dr. Kuttner requesting that he meet with me in person some day in the near future regarding my concerns about his mentor and fellow colleague, Mr. Amiotte.
Dr. Kuttner did not respond to me, but met with George Amiotte instead. Dr. Kuttner dismissed me, the victim, and supported Mr. Amiotte’s abusive treatment of me. Mr. Amiotte called my mentor and counselor, Dr. Barbara May, in the summer of 1999. She suggested he get help from a licensed qualified male counselor. He did not heed her advice.
I also reported the abuse to Mr. Steve Becker, a V.A. employee at the Black Hills V.A. hospital and a friend of George Amiotte. He truly didn’t want to hear what I had to say. Mr. Becker was too preoccupied in promoting George Amiotte’s PTSD workshops.
During this difficult time I stayed in touch with Dr. Barbara May, Professor Emerita of Nursing, Linfield College, Portland, Oregon. She said, “George worked fast.” In a matter of a few months I had been ruined financially. I did not perceive his hidden agenda or covert intentions.
After my life savings were depleted by Mr. Amiotte, my accountant went over the damage with me and shared the bad news. The debt I incurred from Mr. Amiotte was well over $150,000, which included the taxes I owed for early withdrawal of accounts, credit card debt and loss of interest on the account. Mr. Amiotte had also damaged my leased car.
Although I was still in contact with Mr. Amiotte and trying to get him to repay money he had taken, I avoided many of Mr. Amiotte’s questions for fear that my answers would make him angry. I became weary of appeasing his temper. When I could no longer sustain this way of life, I sought help and this caused Mr. Amiotte to take his rage out on me. Seeking outside help and intervention also elevated the level of danger I lived under.
Years later, I understand this truth: if someone or something does not make you feel more alive, it is too small for you.
I wrote and called Dr. Kuttner once again about the abuse and threats I suffered from his friend. Instead of responding to me, Dr. Kuttner wrote a letter to George Amiotte. Dr. Kuttner’s letter to Mr. Amiotte increased the level of abuse.
Dr. Kuttner also sent a memo to my mentor, Dr. Barbara May, about the reports of abuse I had sent him reporting that my calls were an annoyance to him. I received a copy of this memo.
I was shocked that this person who claimed to be concerned for my welfare had so trivialized my life. Dr. Kuttner’s cold response and words pushed me into a very dark place. I decided, at that time, that I would not open myself to further humiliation by calling for help. I began a long process of “taking care of myself” in a very unsafe situation that almost ended in my death AT THE HAND OF Mr. Amiotte. Since 2004, I have had no contact with Dr. Kuttner. My calls for help to Dr. Kuttner were dismissed as “harassment.” In all my years of recovery, the pain I suffered from Dr. Kuttner’s breach of my client confidentiality and his siding with my abusers has been traumatizing for me.
One year later, after I reported the crimes of violence and threats to Dr. Kuttner, George Amiotte, Dr. Kuttner’s friend and mentor, beat me severely and attempted to murder me.
Therapist exploitation and abuse violates and destroys the fragile element of trust victims struggle to build again. After my experiences with Dr. Kuttner and Mr. Amiotte, my trust was shattered.
I spoke with my friend and adopted mother, Addie Archer, at the onset of being threatened and robbed by Mr. Amiotte. She also understood that I might face jail time as a penalty for the huge taxes I owed and would most likely end up homeless and living out of my car due to all the debt I incurred from Mr. Amiotte. She recommended I do all I could to hold him accountable for his actions. I observed through the years that Mr. Amiotte could “yes me to death,” but he never meant what he promised.
“Memory says, ‘I did that,’ Pride says, ‘I couldn’t have done that.’ Memory yields.”—Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
What I have learned by George’s behavior is that he wasn’t interested in other people or their basic needs. It was all about George, his Vietnam pain, his Native American issues, his trauma, his tragedies and sadly, domination games. Instead of equality, domination games consist of how much the one in power can control, punish, threaten, humiliate and destroy another person.
He demanded that I open another credit card line as I was destitute and I did. His relationship with me was based on “robbery and exploitation.” I lived separately from him, I was not his girlfriend and was not involved with him, but he still maintained control over my life. I lived in fear of his rage.
Finally, when seeking safety, and unable to appease my abuser with the monies he demanded, I was beaten and strangled in an attempted murder incident by Mr. George D. Amiotte, in Olympia, Washington, August 6, 2000. He beat me in the face and head, ears and arms and breasts, pulled my hair and pinned me down on the floor and beat and strangled me. I begged him for my life, but he kept on beating and choking me. When he would stop for a moment, I would gasp for air. I finally cried out to him, “George do you need to rape me?” The fact that I was forced to make this statement was a very moment in my life. It brought back many past memories of my childhood sexual abuse. I would try to flee from my apartment, but he would drag me from the door, throw me on the floor and begin to choke me again.
I escaped from my apartment screaming, “He is trying to kill me. Help me!” The incident had lasted over 20 minutes. I did not believe I would escape with my life. This was a night I almost became a statistic. Several neighbors and police came to my aid. Mr. Amiotte was arrested by Tumwater Police Officer Ross Rollman and Lt. John Stines and was transported to the O.P.D. jail where he was booked for Assault D.V. He spent the night in the Tumwater, Washington jail.
Mr. Amiotte explained to neighbors and the Tumwater Police that nothing happened and it was “only a verbal argument and that we did not get physically violent with each other.” His statement does not explain the red marks that were noted on my neck, ears, shoulders and arms. Neighbors also testified that my skin was very red and scratched.
Police reports note that there were red marks and swelling just below the collar of the shirt I was wearing, that my right ear was red and that I had visible red marks on my left bicep and shoulder and several red marks up and down my arms and shoulders.
Mr. Amiotte called my phone number over a dozen times that night. I did not answer.
I realized again, the huge consequences in attempting to get safe from an abuser.
Shelton Police Officer Troy Wiktorek, my neighbor, wrote in his affidavit to the Thurston County Superior Court, “On August 6, 2000, at about 2300 hours, I was in my apartment located at 1221 Mottman Dr. SW, #J-104, when I was awoken by a woman screaming. The screams appeared to be coming from an apartment above mine or nearby. The screams appeared to be in the nature of someone fighting for their life. As I exited my front door, I saw the joining neighbors standing there with a phone in hand and was told they were on the phone with the 911 dispatch reporting the screams. The neighbors appeared very concerned for the safety of the woman in apartment #J-203. I ran out to the parking lot area and turned back towards the apartments just in time to see an Indian male exiting apartment #J-203. The male appeared to be in his 50’s, his hair was long and appeared to be uncombed.
“He was wearing a white colored Gi with dark color pants. The male appeared to be intoxicated, as he staggered down a flight of steps. I approached the male and could see that his eyes were bloodshot and that he smelled of intoxicants. He would not make eye contact with me. He had what appeared to be car keys in his right hand. I requested the keys, he handed them to me without incident. The male would not converse with me at any time during our contact. I asked the male to sit down and wait for the police to arrive. Moments later the Tumwater Police arrived and took control of the situation. I am a Shelton Police Officer and from my experience as a Police Officer, the nature of the screams I heard on that night would have been of someone who was being hurt, not just two persons arguing.”
I obtained a protective order against Mr. Amiotte the next day. George violated the protective order. He would call and talk as if he was the “victim” in this violent incident. Later, Mr. Amiotte threatened my life telling me that “he was a trained Marine and he could take me out any time he wanted, bury me and no one would know who did it, or know where I was.” I calmly replied that if anything happened to me, he would be the first person police would investigate.
At the restraining order hearing August 30, 2000, Mr. Amiotte arrived in court dressed in green surgery scrubs and a stethoscope hanging around his neck. His attire was bizarre! The judge ordered him to fully comply with the Washington state licensed batterers treatment program and also counsel monthly with Rev. Joanna Trainor. I went over my financial documents and records with Mr. Amiotte dozens and dozens of times. Mr. Amiotte acknowledged the monies he had taken from me and signed a promissory note, in front of witnesses, for $31,500 promising to make monthly payments. He failed to do so.
At the time I obtained a restraining order against Mr. Amiotte, he was ordered to surrender his weapons. He joked later saying that his gun collection was with family and friends.
Dr. Barbara May has been my mentor and counselor for the past fifteen years, and she believes I was suffering from Stockholm Syndrome from Mr. Amiotte. Her words are true. When you become numb from abuse; you are not in a state of mind to plan an escape. You are thankful your captor has not killed you. It is reported in studies on Stockholm Syndrome that high anxiety functions often keep victims from seeing available options.
It took me an hour or so to scrub the black marks on my floor in the entryway of my apartment due to being dragged away from the door as I sought to escape Mr. Amiotte. During this time I began to pour over the scar map of my psyche attempting to learn what led to what, and where to go next. I began all over again picking up the pieces of my shattered self. I looked deep down inside for the “tough girl” to help me survive another episode and chapter of violence and abuse-but sadly, I could not find her. She was all used up. She was gone.
After the attempted murder incident, Mr. Amiotte was invited to speak at a local Native American Domestic violence convention in Washington State. Mr. Amiotte moved forward as though nothing had happened. He literally became an expert on domestic violence overnight. My recovery and injuries were of no concern to him. At the time he attempted to murder me I was recovering from a 102 degree fever and was very weak. Mr. Amiotte was aware of my illness at the time he assaulted and strangled me.
Due to preparing for upcoming court hearings regarding the financial exploitation I suffered from Mr. Amiotte, I was given wrong information about the protective order. They recommended I have the P.O. order modified so I could have contact with Mr. Amiotte in court.
On April 18, 2001, Mr. George D. Amiotte was permanently terminated from Hoy & Nickle Associates Domestic Violence treatment program. His counselor, Ann Phillips, reported that he failed to comply with court orders and the requirements of the domestic violence treatment program. They admitted that there was a breakdown in communication between his counselors and the courts.
His state licensed counselors gave me information from the Trimodal Typology of Batterers stating that George Amiotte represented a Type II—Sociopathic Batterer.
“This is an individual socialized into a belief and value system which endorses or at least condones violence as a pragmatic or excusable method for dealing with problems. He may have a diagnosable personality disorder and is likely to have some level of substance abuse problem. While he uses violence in a variety of settings to meet his needs he is unlikely to have a criminal record. His violence is more severe, likely including use of weapons or injuring the victim, is not apologetic, threatens to kill the victim or do more violence, and is likely to make sexual demands after violence.”
If it wasn’t for the court errors and the unwritten law of familiarity within our society, Mr. Amiotte would be in jail. Until 2000, Mr. Amiotte was a licensed P.A. (Physician’s Assistant) in Washington State. After he assaulted me in August 2000, he was disqualified from obtaining his Washington State P.A. license.
When I reported the crimes that Mr. Amiotte had committed against me to V.A. directors and employees, many of them sided with my abuser and some of them called me a liar. Their dismissal of me was as traumatic as the violence and abuse I had suffered.
Mr. Amiotte was angry that I reported the abuse to friends and V.A. employees. He expected me to hide, like an abused child, and not talk about it. My fault lies in not having any other reference for relationships besides my abusive ex-husband of twenty years and an abusive childhood—terror and horror were the norm. In the coming months and years, I also understood the serious repercussions I would suffer if I choose to seek help to survive the ongoing violence and abuse from George Amiotte. The unspoken message I got from George was that the matter of the attempted murder incident and financial abuse would be kept private.
Keeping secrets binds up our energy and impacts our health and well-being.
The freedom that I gained when I broke my silence about the abuse I suffered from Mr. George Amiotte and Dr. Charles Kuttner I wouldn’t trade for anything. My voice is more important to me than my safety. Once secrets are exposed to the light, they lose their power over you.
Mr. Amiotte enjoyed humiliating me, calling me names, i.e., “whore, slut,” intimidating me and threatening me. I stayed in contact for a short time to seek restitution, but he never had any plans of paying me back for the monies he robbed from me. Due to the combination of court litigation in Oregon by my ex-husband and the financial exploitation by George Amiotte, I ended up living out of my car for a few years and was essentially bankrupt. Mr. Amiotte keeps his property in another person’s name to avoid a lien due to the Summary Judgment I have against him.
I believe “Evil (ignorance) is like a shadow. It has no real substance of its own; it is simply a lack of light. You cannot cause a shadow to disappear by trying to fight it, stamp on it, by railing against it, or any other form of emotional or physical resistance. In order to cause a shadow to disappear, you must shine light on it.”—Shakti Gawai
In 2002, George Amiotte was hired as a consultant by the Black Hills V.A. in South Dakota per Mr. Steve Becker and Dr. Robert Phares recommendation. He was paid $65.00 per hour. At Mr. Amiotte’s 2002 workshop for the Black Hills V.A. employees and staff in Hot Springs, South Dakota, Amiotte said, “There’s one lesson that everyone needs to learn in dealing with returning veterans regardless of their race. Respect them . . . that’s basically it. Respect them, be there for them, love them. I know how they feel.”
Mr. Amiotte could learn some lessons about “respecting others—their boundaries, their resources and money, their bodies, their life and their very soul. Mr. Amiotte characterizes the quote, “If you can’t be a good example, you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.”
Since he was terminated from the Hoy & Nickles court ordered batterer’s treatment program in Washington State in 2001, Mr. Amiotte promised me he would counsel with Mr. George Twiss, Director of Cangleska, a domestic violence shelter at the Pine Ridge Reservation in 2002, but failed to keep his promise.
In 2003, Mr. Amiotte was aware I was homeless, living out of my car and was without adequate shelter and food. He was also aware I was involved in ongoing court litigation in Oregon due to my ex-husband legally stalking me. I called him in regards to the promissory note and monies he owed me. In February 2003 he stated, “Coral, I won’t be like other jerks and leave you living on the street. I will pay you back what I have promised to you.” George did not make any payments, but continued to call and leave messages on my voice mail wanting to get together for lunch. Later he told me he owed me nothing.
I reported the acts of violence against me to Mr. Amiotte’s psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph Hummel, and individuals who Mr. Amiotte claimed were his friends and mentors, i.e., Bob Coalson, Steve Becker, Mr. Bill Wheeler, Faith Spotted Eagle, Doris Peters, Tribal Judge Lorintha Warwick and Dr. Alfonso R. Batres, Director of Veteran Affairs Chief Officer, Readjustment Counseling Service. Several of these individuals have participated with George in victim advocate work.
When Mr. Amiotte wrote me a hostile and threatening letter in March 2003, I was staying with friends. I began to block my door with furniture and boxes. This was an automatic response to the former incident of violence with Mr. Amiotte. I thought about his friends at the V.A. and Dr. Charles Kuttner and understood that they suffered no consequences in their relationship with Amiotte and could go to bed at night knowing that they were safe. I did not have that same freedom and right.
I understand that Mr. Amiotte hates me because the acts of violence he committed against me exposed his ‘dark side.’ Tashi (Smith) Gremar commented on Mr. Amiotte’s 2003 threatening letter, “His repulsive, irate and immature attitude is intended to scare you away from pursuing him to give you back your money and to try to misplace blame on you for his poor choices. I do not respect his decisions or his “scare tactics.” The only truth in that letter is that he is indeed in dire need of “getting it together,” yet amazingly he continues to fail to get professional help. For him to punish you for his crime is not okay. And it is a crime. I feel angry that he is portraying himself as the “victim,” (poor me, look at all have been through and all I have to deal with). The only person he has to be angry with is himself and I find it repugnant that a grown man will not take responsibility for his actions but instead tries to lay his blame on others. For such a big, tough vet, he sure does act like a little helpless baby. Coral, you are a good person and you’re much too refined for all this garbage.”
I was invited to be a guest speaker at the Thurston County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Task Force meeting by Thurston County Sheriff Dan Kimball. In March 2004, I gave a report of the details surrounding the domestic violence incident involving Mr. George Amiotte and offered insights of the breakdown in communication and services. The Task Force, i.e., deputy sheriffs, judges, police officers, probation officers, and domestic violence advocates wish to know where the services are failing in domestic violence situations and how they can avoid failures such as this one in the future. There was a failure in the system. Mr. Amiotte was not held accountable for his lack of compliance with the domestic violence treatment program.
Another difficult component in surviving domestic violence is the “real fear” of future incidents if your abuser should become angry toward you again. Restraining orders are just a piece of paper. I discovered that my post-traumatic stress symptoms were not as severe when I would be in contact with Mr. Amiotte by phone because I would know where he was and “where and at whom” his rage was directed. I understood the phrase—keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
At the Task Force meeting, I learned that the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle Division had banned Mr. Amiotte from working or contracting with them. They were protecting themselves from future lawsuits. Seattle V.A. police attended my speaking engagement in March 2004. The VA Puget Sound Health Care System American Lake Division in Tacoma, Washington also banned the Native American Veteran’s healing circle from meeting at their hospital due to Mr. Amiotte’s involvement with that group.
I attempted to stay in touch with Mr. Amiotte for a while due to the financial exploitation issues. I soon realized that this was a waste of time. Safe Place, the local domestic violence shelter, helped me obtain an attorney to seek a Summary Judgment against him.
I never recovered financially and Mr. Amiotte did not make payments on the promissory notes or the Summary Judgments I had against him. He did acknowledge receiving the Washington State Mason County Summary Judgment of $31,000 and sent an attorney who was working on the case a check for $500.00 in 2004. That same month he closed his bank accounts and left the area. No payments have been made since. I have had no monies or attorney to help me garnish or collect and being an American Indian, it is difficult to enforce the Summary Judgment and find and attach his assets. PAYMENTS and DONATIONS can be made HERE:
Washington State Crime Compensation Program awarded me monies for counseling fees and I met with my mentor and counselor, Dr. Barbara May. Dr. May commented, as she assisted me in healing from the attempted murder incident by George D. Amiotte, “Coral, from the long-term sexual abuse you suffered as a child and the long-term survival of domestic violence, during the twenty years of your previous marriage, you wear what we therapists call a ‘Red X’ on your forehead. Predators, like George, can spot you a mile away. Her statement made me sad. I asked, “Dr. May, what can I do to wipe the ‘Red X’ off?” She looked at me and said, “I don’t know, Coral.”
Dr. May assisted me in collecting the shattered pieces of my “self” after these incidents with George. In one of my counseling sessions I listed the abusive characteristics of Mr. Amiotte: thinking there are no consequences for his behavior, depriving me of money, taking my money and making me beg for money, restricting my access to food, clothing, work, and health care etc. He destroyed property belonging to me, believed in male supremacy, was pathologically jealous, cruel, self-righteous, and self-centered. He denied or minimized his abusive behavior, needed to be in control of every situation, yelled, and used angry expressions or gestures, shunning, humiliation, and manipulation tactics.
He isolated me from family, friends and counselors, accused me of infidelity, accused me of insanity, and ignored or minimized my feelings. Physical abuse included: slapping, beating, throwing items at me, pushing, choking, throwing me around the room, and restraining me. Verbal abuse included name-calling, i.e., referring to me as a whore and a slut. The sole purpose of his behavior was to dominate, manipulate and control me.
I shared with Dr. May my experiences with the Veterans Administration employees and their response to the attempted murder incident and financial exploitation I suffered from George Amiotte, i.e, they condoned his behavior, endorsed him and hired him as a consultant and PTSD workshop facilitator. After sending police reports and documentation to the Veterans Administration, I was told I had harassed them and not to contact them again.
Dr. Barbara May commented about my attempts to expose George Amiotte to the V.A., “Coral, the only one who truly ‘gets it’ is you—you are the expert of domestic violence knowingness. I continue to be in awe of your strengths. George knew that he could beat you up to an inch of your life because there would be little or no consequences. If he had harmed anyone else, he would be held accountable by our society. Domestic violence and spousal/partner abuse is acceptable in our society. I wonder if Mr. Amiotte has found his next victim.”
Dr. May commented, “Mr. Amiotte is a predator and a sycophant. His behavior toward you is unconscionable given the fact that he has worked for years in a caregiver role as a P.A.” She recommended I read, Anatomy of a Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing, by Caroline Myss, Ph.D., to assist me in my healing.
I shared with Dr. May the fact that Mr. Amiotte would often “leave” his gun license at my residence. She told me this was an intimidation tactic and no accident, but a way to psychologically create an “element of fear.” Mr. Amiotte carried guns in his vehicles and had numerous guns, swords and weapons in his home.
Dr. May commented, “Coral, the most dangerous abusers are those who appear with both components: the good and the bad. When you are experiencing the healthy moments, it is difficult for you to remember the moments of terror. It becomes more confusing and you begin to forget the moments of terror because the present moments of calm are so welcome and refreshing. You also wish to dismiss the violence because of the shame and fear involved in the abuse. What makes Mr. Amiotte dangerous as a therapist is that he uses ‘victim advocate and trauma specialist lingo and terminology,’ but has not integrated it into his behavior. He therefore, lures and seduces unsuspecting individuals and victims into believing he espouses empathy and sensitivity. Dr. May added, because she understood Mr. Amiotte’s true nature, “Coral, you will never see a dime of your monies returned from him.”
There are other abuse issues that I suffered from Mr. George Amiotte that are documented with my mentors, physicians and counselors that will remain confidential because they are too shameful to mention. Domestic violence evolved into other forms of abuse. Terror and threats became the norm.
After the attempted murder incident, my abuser, Mr. Amiotte spoke to my son and told him that his mother (me) was suffering from delusions, created by her counselors, Dr. Barbara May and Rev. Joanna Trainor. My son was shocked by the derogatory manner in which he spoke about women and individuals of other ethnicities.
Mr. Amiotte had no therapist license or a P.A. license since his attempt on my life in 2000, but even though the V.A. informed me that they hired only licensed PTSD workshop facilitators, he continued to conduct workshops for veterans.
In February 2005, Oregon Circuit Court Judge Tom Hart read the documentation I submitted, including court records and a dozen letters written by my physician, Dr. Kuttner, admitting his breech of my client confidentiality and phone number. Judge Tom Hart was alarmed and recommended I report this physician immediately to the Oregon Medical Board.
Numerous physicians, nurses, advocates and professionals who were familiar with this case of “therapist exploitation” also recommended I report Dr. Kuttner and Mr. Amiotte to protect their future victims.
I reported my physician, Dr. Charles Kuttner, of Portland, Oregon, to the Oregon State Medical Board in 2004, and gave them pages of documentation of my physician’s letters admitting what he had done.
The Oregon Medical Board’s ruling was in favor of my physician, Dr. Charles Kuttner. The physician’s breech of my client confidentiality and unethical behavior, and abuse did not qualify as “misconduct or unethical.” The case was closed—business as usual.
An Oregon Circuit Court Judge, did, though and Judge Tom Hart wanted to give me a jury trial as he was appalled and shocked by what this doctor had done to me, but an attorney who handled the filing of this case, filed one day too late, missing the deadline with the statute of limitations. My friend and editor, Judy Bennett, supported me by attending the court hearing. I still hope for apologies and restitution from both of these therapists, and I pray for their future victims. Both of them continue to counsel trauma victims and veterans.
Letter from Judy Bennett (my friend and editor) to Dr. Charles Kuttner in February 2005.
Dr. Kuttner,
I am a friend of Coral Theill and I am writing because I want you to understand the full impact of your actions on her life. I can believe that you were seduced by George Amiotte on some level—he is charismatic and professes a knowledge and spiritual enlightenment that is very attractive. But the fact is, George Amiotte is as damaged as any of the trauma victims he claims to help. There is a side to him that is very violent, masochistic and egomaniacal. That is the person to whom you gave Coral’s personal information and phone number.
In giving personal information, you may not have named Coral, but in discussing your “patient” George easily figured out Coral’s case history and used that information to manipulate and ultimately abuse her. You set her up, and the outcome was wrong.
George systematically cut Coral off from her friends, exhausted her financially, made many promises to deceive and bind her emotionally—and ultimately beat her and misused her sexually.
During the period of time she was with George, Coral tried to contact you—and you were in contact with George, but you would not talk to her and indeed complained that she was harassing you. Can’t you understand that she needed help?!
I was present in court on Monday when the suit against you for negligence and malpractice was dismissed because too much time had elapsed since the initial offense. I can tell you honestly that if the judge had been able to find any way to rule in Coral’s favor he would have done so. You got off on a technicality and the ineptness of the attorney that originally filed in Coral’s behalf.
Coral once shared a parable that you had sent to her regarding the difference between heaven and hell. In hell, all the people are starving and miserable because they are all seated around a table laden with food but the utensils have handles that are so long there is no way they can get the food to their mouths. In heaven, the same scenario, but everyone is happy and full and having a good time—because they are all feeding each other. You have failed that basic test of human compassion. You failed Coral as a therapist and counselor. And you failed as a friend. She asked you for help in getting free of George, she asked you for help in getting George to pay money that he admits he owes to her. She finally asked for you to be held accountable for the consequences of your actions. At present, Coral is destitute. Because she had a promissory note and a subsequent summary judgment against George Amiotte for money he owes to her, she was denied help from Social Services—that case is being reviewed but a hearing is probably still six months away. Housing assistance has a 2-3 year waiting list. She is taking courses at community college and working part time, BUT SHE HAS NO PLACE TO LIVE and minimal income. She is staying in her car and a few nights here and there with friends. She has less than $400 a month income to live on. She is exhausted and frail. The situation is a direct result of the relationship with George Amiotte which you encouraged and orchestrated.
You have admitted you “made a mistake” in giving George Coral’s phone number—“against your better judgment.” But you did it, and you have done nothing to rectify the situation. I suspect that you feel this is not your fault—perhaps you even feel you were used by George too, at the least you see this as a problem between George and Coral. But you are responsible for their being together in the first place. As a therapist you should know better than to play matchmaker!
Coral would never have filed suit against you if you had made the slightest move to help her either emotionally or financially. I wish this had gone on to trial because I think you behaved unethically and should be held accountable. But I also am glad Coral is spared the horror of depositions and prolonged anxiety. I’m glad she had the guts and the brains to stand up for herself, whatever the outcome.
It would be nice to think that you would apologize and even make some effort at restitution. That seems unlikely though, in view of the way you have treated Coral in the past. She was your patient. She is still vulnerable and “disabled” by a lifetime of trauma.
You put yourself in the position of being part of the problem. Shame on you.
Sincerely, Judy Bennett Judy Bennett received no response from Dr. Charles Kuttner.
For many people power and control over others IS their existence. Domestic violence is not about anger but about trying to instill fear and wanting to have power and control in the relationship. Batterers and abusers treat others inhumanely because they lack three necessary components for spiritual health: being self-critical, showing empathy and walking in humility.
Even though I contacted the V.A. and sent them my restraining orders, police reports (that indicated strangulation marks on my neck), affidavits of witnesses and statements from the counselors who terminated Mr. Amiotte’s court ordered treatment program due to non-compliance, the V.A. believes Mr. Amiotte is more valuable as a speaker than the horror I experienced from the crimes he committed against me. (Mr. Amiotte was a guest speaker at the Veterans Affairs “Serving Returning Veteran’s” Conference in Seattle, Washington in 2011.)
I learned that many Native Americans take care of their own often at the expense of others. I was never allowed into Mr. Amiotte’s “sacred circle,” but my money was good enough for him and his friends. Through the years I knew Mr. Amiotte, he displayed and voiced his prejudice and hate toward women, white people and minorities. He called my money “his grub money” and white people “squatters”—as he did not believe we belonged in America.
Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, “The best political, social and spiritual work we can do is to withdraw the projection of our shadow onto others.” Many people are slow to acknowledge their own shadows.
After the attempted murder incident Mr. Amiotte said, “Coral, I wanted to teach you a lesson, scare you.” For my safety, I added George Amiotte’s name to my state address protection program, due to his threats on my life.
On January 28, 2004, Ms. Diane Callison, a probation officer and Thurston County Domestic Violence Task Force member in Olympia, Washington called me. She checked on Mr. Amiotte’s records in municipal court. She said that the municipal court had received the letter of April 2001 from Mr. Nickle’s office regarding his non-compliance and termination. Ms. Callison shared with me what should have happened is a continuance in this matter, but clerks recorded the letter in their system as a letter of compliance, instead of non-compliance and termination. Mr. Amiotte should have had to appear in court again.
Ms. Callison also expressed her concerns regarding the police department, municipal court judge and prosecutor commenting that this case should have been handled as a felony instead of a misdemeanor because of the severity of the violence, noted red marks on my neck and arm, battering, choking.
In short, Mr. Amiotte suffered little or no consequences for his violent behavior. Mr. Amiotte believes he lives above the law. Dr. Kuttner wrote me nearly a dozen letters admitting that he had violated client confidentiality by giving my case history and personal information to Mr. Amiotte. Dr. Kuttner wrote me a letter indicating that he “hoped that Mr. Amiotte would not murder me.” Dr. Kuttner also wrote me a letter apologizing for introducing me to his colleague calling him a “snake.” He wrote me a letter saying, “Coral, Mr. Amiotte steals your money and your soul.”
While I was in shock from the loss of my children and the ongoing court trauma in Oregon, I was “prey” for these two “pseudo therapists.” The abuse and exploitation by my doctor and his unlicensed associate traumatized me.
In 2003, Dr. Kuttner backpedaled after I was almost murdered by his friend. He protected himself by writing me a letter dated Jan. 22, 2003, “Coral, if asked for my input on Mr. Amiotte having a license for counseling, I would say he is absolutely unqualified due to ethics violations. I’ve told him that, both in a letter and in person.” Dr. Kuttner shared that he felt Mr. Amiotte is both a predator and con artist. He said, “But as I look into the situation in retrospect, I see a wolf, hovering around an injured, but beautiful deer and going in for the kill.” He added, “George is so ill he is beyond recognizing his need for help.”
On January 31, 2004, I wrote a letter to Mr. Anthony Principi, United States Department of Veteran Affairs and Dr. Alfonso R. Batres, Director of Veteran Affairs Chief Officer, Readjustment Counseling Service, to advocate for myself and others who will be victimized by Mr. Amiotte, and to prompt the V.A. to improve their practices for hiring workshop presenters and contract employees. I included a manuscript dealing the abuse I have suffered and included police reports, court documents, regarding the man who had attempted to murder me in August 2000, Mr. George Amiotte. My abuser, Mr. Amiotte considered Dr. Alfonso R. Batres as a friend and associate and talked with him on the phone. I hoped Dr. Batres would take this matter seriously. Sadly, I did not hear back from them and Mr. Amiotte continued to work for the Veteran’s Administration. Silence is the same as approval.
Unfortunately, Amiotte has many supporters, enablers and a “cult following” within the V.A.
My goal is to help expose how our society “enables” batterers, abusers and predators. Dr. Barbara May, asked me to request that Dr. Charles Kuttner contact V.A. employees about this matter.
Later, Dr. Kuttner attempted to report his concerns regarding Mr. Amiotte’s abuse issues to Mr. Steve Becker, V.A. employee in Hot Springs, South Dakota, but was met with resistance, also. Mr. Steve Becker did not seem to take the court documentation, police reports, restraining orders, affidavits, legal promissory notes and documented reports of violence against me seriously. He is Mr. Amiotte’s friend and has supported Mr. Amiotte and his seminars for years.
Amiotte’s followers defended him because they are spellbound. His cult-like following within the Veterans’ Administration demanded no accountability. He could continue his abusive and violent behavior. I did not fit in his pretend world with his pretend people where the ego is encouraged and integrity dismissed.
There are V.A. employees who believe it is insignificant that I have been battered. They are simply saying: “We are of value in our society, you, Coral, are not.”
Not all veterans and V.A. therapists who attended Mr. Amiotte’s V.A. PTSD workshops were enamored with him or a part of the “George Amiotte cult phenomena.”
I am not the only person alarmed at the workshops Mr Amiotte conducts for the V.A. Several people contacted me after attending his workshops to share their reactions: “I witnessed George Amiotte humiliate V.A. psychiatrists and civilians during his workshops. This behavior is acceptable to George’s V.A. ‘cult followers.’ I believe our American veterans/soldiers and taxpayers deserve better.”
“George wants us to leave his workshops believing that no one has experienced the depth of pain and trauma that he survived in his three tours in Nam.”
“George is a womanizer. I don’t appreciate his ‘in your face’ methods.” (The last comment is a component that most cult leaders use as a method of psychological control over an audience, i.e. making them ill at ease.)
In 2004 Mr. Amiotte purchased a $4,000 vehicle from Mr. Steve Becker, a V.A. employee at Hot Springs, South Dakota, even though Mr. Amiotte knew I was living out of my car due to the debt I had incurred from him. Mr. Becker called Mr. Amiotte to make sure the $4,000 check was in the mail for the vehicle. Mr. Amiotte did not play power and control games with his friend, Steve Becker as he put the monies in the mail immediately. Mr. Amiotte said he bought the vehicle in the event his daughter, Lalena, needed it. I know Mr. Becker would not be pleased to wait for years for payment on this debt. Mr. Becker was of value to Mr. Amiotte. I was not. At this time I had a $31,500 Summary Judgment against Mr. Amiotte.
I am requesting that Mr. Amiotte sell his properties and pay me in full for the Summary Judgment I have against him so I can pay my creditors and taxes due. Individuals in the Hot Springs area have contacted me and shared that they approached Mr. Amiotte about purchasing his land. Mr. Amiotte told them that he will not sell his land. PAYMENTS and DONATIONS can be made HERE
Sadly, throughout the past several years, Mr. Amiotte has continued to lead a life of violence and abuse. A few years ago he threatened his neighbors’ lives. I have also received letters from women he has counseled who were abused by him, too.
Rev. Marie Fortune writes, “There is little empathy or sympathy, a deflection of attention away from the agent of the trauma and a tendency to silence or ostracize the victim altogether. The moral substance of this trauma is murky. And since the perpetrator most likely is someone known to both the victim and her community, bystanders prefer not to get involved.”
Confronting abuse and violence is ugly and requires difficult self-examination. Accepting collective responsibility costs more.
The sad fact is this: you will not know you have been victim of a “con” until afterwards. Con artists have perfected their work, their art, so well, that you will not recognize them until it is too late.
Several months after Mr. Amiotte attempted to murder me, he asked me if I would be a phone contact for him while he attended a two week PTSD workshop for his combat trauma at the Seattle, Washington, V.A. hospital. I agreed to do so. He later asked me if I would assist him with his “Coyote Crossing PTSD Workshops” and I declined. He does not respect me, he does not respect people, and he does not respect himself.
On July 12, 2012, George Amiotte was arrested for eluding police, drunk driving (.216 blood alcohol level) and possession of marijuana in Mason County Washington, Cause No. 12-1-00282-7. Prosecutor Erik Sigmar is handling the case. Mr. Amiotte’s trial date is March 4, 2013.
Since the Veterans Administration and Veterans Affairs has incorporated Native American teachers, such as Mr. Amiotte, as a part of their curriculum, I will share a few insights and wisdom from Jamie Sams, author of “Dancing the Dream: The Seven Paths to Human Transformation. She says she has seen many succumb to this form of “distraction,” ignoring their own ego issues and spiritual bankruptcy at the expense of others.
Jamie Sams describes Native American teachers such as George Amiotte as “Twilight Masters”—individuals who have mastered the use of the light and dark sides of human nature in order to control or manipulate others. Twilight Masters also use the lure of claiming to be spiritually enlightened in order to draw others of goodwill in their way of thinking. By masquerading as spiritual, caring individuals, the Twilight Master influences or bends the resolves of other spiritually committed individuals in order to serve his or her hidden agendas and selfish aims.
“Enlisting the assistance of dark elemental entities and by demonstrating dark behavior, people can become Twilight Masters. Bending the will of another to your own is what the Southern Seers call BAD Medicine. Individuals use energy and focused personal intent to exact the desired outcome from others. Using this form of invasive psychic energy is a breach of trust and a rape of the Sacred Spaces of others.”
After years of abuse and court trauma, and now more violence, betrayal and therapist exploitation, I identify with the character of the Vietnamese woman portrayed in the movie, ‘Casualties of War’ starring Michael Fox and Sean Penn. A group of American soldiers invades a Vietnamese village and capture a young woman. They gang rape her and force her to march with them on their patrol. When they were “finished with her,” they shot her and threw her over an embankment.
Dr. Kuttner’s betrayal of me, dismissing my pleas for help regarding his associate Mr. Amiotte, then becoming annoyed with me when I reported I was being threatened, financially exploited and abused, has caused me much reflection.
There would not have been any professional consequences to Dr. Kuttner had I been murdered. I would have only been a “statistic.”
I would never allow these two cowards, or their friends and colleagues, in my life today. Mr. George Twiss, former director of Cangleska, Pine Ridge, South Dakota, shared that many Lakota men now have joined Warrior Societies to be held in accountability with one another so abuse incidents such as the one I experienced will not occur. Mr. Amiotte is accountable to no one.
One of Mr. Amiotte’s mentors in the past was medicine man Frank Fool’s Crow who taught that humility was the component of a great leader. He is humble and honest and sincere. He is not profane. He is not violent. Fool’s Crow said that a spiritual man must be measured by their manner of life. When someone has offended or harmed another individual, he must do everything he can to restore that individual so he does not lose his power.

Unfortunately, numerous Native Americans from the Pine Ridge Reservation (SD) and the Skokomish Reservation (WA) where Mr. Amiotte lives support and enable him—even after hearing about the violence I suffered from him.
To heal and recover from abuse and violent crimes, survivors need the community to create the conditions for an experience of justice. For the perpetrator, the goal is the possibility of a change or “repentance.”
I have asked myself, “What does the human spirit need in order to heal and move on?” (This can be applied to veterans as well). Victims need a safe place to share their pain and be acknowledged, they need compassion, they need to know that they (and others) will be protected from their perpetrator, they need accountability—someone to hold their perpetrator accountable, they need restitution or material compensation for the losses incurred by the perpetrator and they need vindication (not revenge)—to be set free. Scars remain, but healing is sufficient so as not to continue to be held in bondage to the trauma. Resolution, restitution and apologies from Mr. George Amiotte are needed in this case. When there is no justice, there is truly no healing. I continue to believe in surprises, miracles and “one fine day.”