Surviving #45 Donald Trump: The Gift of Fear - Recommended Reading
"You need to treat women like sh-t." - President Elect Donald Trump
“There is purpose in your fury, in trying to make sense of the senseless.”
- Christine Horansky
“NEVER again can the U.S. lecture us on extremism or misogyny or on how we should treat women. This election sends a message to women in Egypt and across the world that powerful men can sexually assault you and worse and still be elected president." - Mona Eltahawy, Egyptian feminist and author
There should be nothing surprising about what Donald Trump has done in his first week—but he has underestimated the resilience of Americans and their institutions.
AFTERMATH: Sixteen Writers on Trump's America: Essays by Toni Morrison, Atul Gawande, Hilary Mantel, George Packer, Jane Mayer, Jeffrey Toobin, Junot Díaz, and more
Alarmism Saved my Family from Hitler: Why I Won’t Tell Anyone to Calm Down about TRUMP by Hugo Schwyzer, Nov. 10, 2016
by Sarah Jones Nov. 10, 2016, Since Donald Trump won his bid for the White House, the women of America have been suffering Trump Traumatic Stress Disorder. I wish I were kidding. But I'm not. This is real and it's serious.
An Alt-Right Makeover Shrouds the Swastikas by Serge F. Kovaleski, Julie Turkewitz, Joseph Goldstein and Dan Barry, December 10, 2016
An Open Letter to America from North Carolina by Thomas Mills, December 7, 2016 |
As Trumplethinskin Lets Down his Hair for Tech, Shame on Silicon Valley for Climbing the Tower in Silence. But don’t expect a fairy tale ending! by Kara Swisher, Dec. 12, 2016
Autocracy: Rules for Survival by Masha Gessen, Nov. 9, 2016
Bullying in the Age of Trump by Emily Bazelon, Nov. 16, 2016
Dan Rather Sounds the Alarm: 'Now is a Time When None of us Can Afford to Remain Seated or Silent' by Jen Hayden, Nov. 22, 2016
Dear liberal friends: you do not have the tools to fight Trump by Milena Popova
D.V. Survivor's 3 Step Plan: How to Stop DONALD TRUMP'S Regime Plan to Destroy Our Lives by Kit Gruelle, November 18, 2016
Donald Trump Is Gaslighting America by Lauren Duca, Dec. 10, 2016
Farewell, America by Neal Gabler, Nov. 10, 2016 No matter how the rest of the world looked at us on Nov. 7, they will now look at us differently.
5 Steve Bannon Quotes that Explain Why DONALD TRUMP'S Chief Strategist Pick is DISTURBING With a white nationalist senior advisor, Donald Trump is not just ignoring the impact of his rhetoric - he is actively terrifying the country.
Gloria Steinem Says Donald Trump Won't be her President by Adriana Balsamo-Gallina, November 10, 2016
HAIL TRUMP! Alt-Right, White Nationalist, White Supremacist, Nazi's: Nov. 21, 2016 White Nationalists Salute President Elect DONALD TRUMP Video of an alt-right conference in Washington, D.C., where Trump’s victory was met with cheers and Nazi salutes by Danile Lombroso AND YONI APPELBAUM, Nov. 21, 2016
"Unless Trump makes a major statement denouncing the white nationalist movement, it will become so powerful that even he won't be able to stop it. White ethno-centrism -- in which only white Europeans are considered the right inheritors of this country and Jews,blacks, Muslims etc. should be "conquered" -- is extremely dangerous to every one of us. This is not Germany in the 1930s. It is the United States today. Google this. Learn about it. Join whatever organization you feel moved to join, that stands for the American values the white nationalist movement would override. And no matter what, do not see this as a joke because it is not.
"My recommendations are the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ACLU, and the Anti-Defamation League." - Marianne Williamson

‘Hamilton’ Had Some Unscripted Lines for Pence. Trump Wasn’t Happy November 19, 2016
Here’s Why We Grieve Today by John Palvovitz, November 9, 2016
'I Will Not Shut Up. America Is Still Worth Fighting For.' by Heather Cox Richardson, November 29, 2016

Jerry Falwell Jr. Cuts Anti-Trump Column From Liberty Student Paper by Sandi Villarreal, October 19, 2016
Journalism Faces an 'Existential Crisis' in Trump Era by Christiane Amanpour,
Kellyanne Conway Is Truly Terrifying and She Always Has Been by Karen Fratti, November 15, 2016, She's eager to set America back 100 years and defends racist, anti-Semite Steve Bannon.
League Of The South Hails Trump, Wants ‘No Mercy’ Towards ‘Jews, Minorities And Anti-White Whites’ by Brian Tashman, November 10, 2016
Let’s Make America Great Again By Respecting Women by Lynnette Nicholas, Nov. 8, 2016, If you want to discern the core of a nation, then examine the treatment of its women.
Mike Pence’s Top Seven Most Homophobic Moments (out of many) by John Gallagher, July 21, 2016
NBA players, coaches speak minds on election results Donald Trump's status as president-elect elicited strong opinions from many across the NBA landscape by David Aldridge TNT Analyst, Nov. 14, 2016
No, Trump, We Can't Just Get Along by Charles M. Blow, Nov. 23, 2016
OPEN LETTER to Oregon Governor Kate Brown, Lawmakers, Advocates & Clergy: Mother of 8 Battered & Raped in the Name of 'God' by Coral Anika Theill, November 2016 "To give a sexual predator the Presidency of the United States, with all the associated power around the world, is the ultimate way of showing women how little they are valued. President-elect Donald Trump’s victory represents the justification of sexism and institutionalized rape culture by millions of Americans.
by Tom Cahill, December 10, 2016
Read the Letter Aaron Sorkin Wrote His Daughter After Donald Trump was Elected President by Aaron Sorkin, Nov. 9, 2016
Recharging the Batteries of Whiteness: Trump's New Racial Identity Politics by Arun Kundnani, December 2016
Rep. Mike Honda, Who Lived Through Japanese Internment Camp, Condemns Immigrant Registry by Melissa Chan, Nov. 17, 2016
Sexual Assault Survivors Struggle to Cope with Trump Election by Ashley Welsh, CBS NEWS, November 17, 2016
The Gaslighting of a Nation: Trump Claims that he Never Called for a Muslim Registry Despite Video Evidence, Nov. 18, 2016
The Gift of Fear: And Other Survival Signals That Protect Us from Violence by Gavin de Becker
The Undeniable Rape Culture Of Donald Trump by Eve Ensler, Oct. 4, 2016

The World Needs Angry Women by Alana Louise May, February 1, 2016
Trump was, indeed, perfectly honest during the campaign; he intends to do everything he said during his campaign.
TRUMP: “GRAB ’EM BY THE PU-SY” CAUSE HE’S ‘A ‘STAR’ by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D.
Trump as Trigger: How His Misogyny and Hatred Are Literally Causing Millions Mental and Physical Pain by Kali Holloway, Oct. 16, 2016, Trump's runoff of fear and anxity is affecting many Americans.
Trump has Unleashed Forces that Put the Vulnerable at Risk, Which Means the Private Sphere Will Have to Step Up to Protect Them by Marci A. Hamilton, Nov. 22, 2016
Trump’s Election Raises Fears Of Increased Violence Against Women by Melissa Jeltsen, Nov. 15, 2016 “If someone is being violated and the president of the United States doesn’t see that as a problem, they may not tell anyone.”
20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You by Shahida Arabi
20 Lessons from the 20th Century Adapted to the Circumstances today: Surviving President Elect Donald Trump by Professor Timothy Snyder, Holocaust Expert, Yale Professor November 28, 2016
We’re heading into dark times. This is how to be your own light in the Age of Trump by Sarah KENDZIOR, Nov 18, 2016 "Write a list of things you would never do. Because it is possible that in the next year, you will do them. Write a list of things you would never believe. Because it is possible that in the next year, you will either believe them or be forced to say you believe them."
by Dr. Benjamin L. Corey, November 10, 2016
What to do About Trump? The Same Thing My Grandfather Did in 1930s Vienna Historical analogies are always flawed, but some moral principles shine eternal by Liel Leibovitz, November 14, 2016
White Christians Who Voted for TRUMP Fix This Now by John Palvovitz
White Nationalists Celebrate ‘an Awakening’ After Donald Trump’s Victory by Alan Rappeport and Noah Weiland, Nov. 19, 2016
Why Donald Trump scares you so much — and why it matters It's not just you — we were born to fear predators, and Donald Trump fits the profile of a psychopath by Leah Mcelrath, Nov. 6, 2016
This is What Happens When You Criticize Donald Trump | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ Already dissent is being demonized in Donald Trump’s America